
{written in honor of my little brother Nathan, aka N8theGR8. he lived, loud and proud, for 25 years. he died in his sleep, peacefully, four years ago. I think he died of addiction and of a whole in his heart that he couldn't figure out how to fill. I miss him so very much, and am so thankful that I'm still alive to Remember him. love you, Hinges.}

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There is nothing I must write for the experience of Being a Writer.


There is no location on the Planet I must visit to unlock the experience of Awe and Amazement of this island that I live on.


There is no dance class I must take or specific way I must move my body to experience the Joy of Dancing.


There are no amount of people, or anyone at all for that matter, that must like what I do to experience Satisfaction with a Job Well Done.


There is no art piece I must create or picture that I must take to have the experience of Being an Artist.


There is no specific food or medicine that I must put in my Body to then have the Pleasure of feeling Healthy and Full of Well Being.


There is nothing I must drink to then feel Relaxed and At Ease.


There is no drug I can take that will unlock the gates to Enlightenment and Higher Consciousness.


There is nothing I can own or think I possess in order to have the experience of Being Happy.


There is no job I must do, or project I must be involved in to then experience Being Successful.


There is no certain, special people I must have as my Friends to feel the Pleasure of Friendship.


There are no words I can say that will grant me the right to Being Important, Remembered, or Heard.


There is nothing the Government must do so that I can experience Peace of Mind.


There is no amount of Money I must obtain to feel the feeling of Abundance.


There is no special person I must be with, or anyone at all, to experience Love.


There is no schooling, title, or license I can get that will then allow me to use my brain and think for myself.


There is no clothing, shoes, or accessories I must wear or number that must appear on the scale for the privilege of standing in front of the mirror to say, Damn~ I'm Beautiful.


There is no religion or dogma I must adopt and believe in order to experience Heaven.


There is no location on the planet I must reside for the experience of Being Home.


There is no piece of information I must go searching for, find, and possess in order to validate my Being Alive.


There is no Knowing, Understanding, or Belief System I must possess in order to experience Wanting What Is Happening Exactly As It's Happening.


There is nothing I am missing out on that is keeping me from experiencing Being Satisfied, Complete, Happy, Enough.


There are absolutely No requirements to BE Love, Joy, and Peace.


There is nothing to be done.


All I can Do is BE.


(((Perfectly, Privately Just Fine)))


~Aubrey Ixchel
