from fog to rainbows*

Here's some of my truth*
I spent the first 33 years of my life in a depressive fog. Sometimes it was thick as night, other times a bit more clear. Enough so, I could see the echos of rainbow light reaching my murky bubble. 
I had an odd mixture of negative programming that infiltrated my every thought, word, and action and it was quite literally, running my life. 
I was a helpless victim to my beliefs and emotions, and it was most likely someone else's fault. 
Smiling and full-on laughter was sparse, replaced by deepening lines that in my forehead and around my mouth. 
And play??? Absurd. 
I knew not of play. 
Even when my sweet little babies urged me to play imagination games with them, my brain would just short circuit and I would get overwhelmingly tired. 
Play was not existent in my reality because I was constantly viewing life through a filter of, "Life is hard, depressing, and difficult". 
Through this lens, the rainbows were distant, and play was nowhere to be found. 
Fast forward a few years, and I've had the blessed opportunity to have Mystic Hot Springs as my home. A place where the layers of guilt, shame, and unworthiness felt safe to shed. I started seeing my value and worth, and got more and more aware of how my old mind programming needed to be updated to accommodate my new sense of self. 
I went to Hypnotherapy school to learn how to do just that, and have been completely blown away at the power of the mind and how Hypnotherapy offered me such immediate transformation. 
Now I can say I have a life that I'm so in love with. 
I have a life that feels precious, and every moment is a gift. 
I have a life that feels worth living. 
With old ways of being gone, and new filters and lenses in place, rainbows are everywhere and I have infinite reasons to smile, laugh, even play!!!
Which brings me to YOU*!
I want to play with you!
(That sounds creepy, I know, but what if it didn't?)
Along with some of my gal pals, we are hosting a few events this coming weekend in Salt Lake City. 
I invite you to come play with us!
(Learn more at
Much Love and Play to YOU*


A Call for Sisterhood*


I write you today with a heart that feels bittersweet. A mixture of overflowing joy and connection, with overtones of concern for the future of females in a society that doesn't seem to equally value the great gifts of Womankind. This internal narrative runs it's loop inside my mind and is shaking the dream-like stupor off my being. With new space now being created, I can hear the little voice of my spirit and it is growing stronger every day.

This voice calls out, "Gather your Sisterhood, gather those Women together that also hear their internal siren calling for connection and unity." 

Ladies, the time is NOW to gather. The time is NOW to consciously create the future. The time is NOW to pull our rich internal resources together and lift one another to each of our fullest potential. The time is NOW to shed the fears, insecurities, and blockages that keep us small and in the shadows. The time is NOW to step into the light and shine as brightly as we can. The time is NOW to make a stand for the equality of our Sisters all over the planet. The time is NOW to take bold and courageous action.



Dear ones, if this message resonates in your heart, gives you hope, or just plain feels right, I ask you to join me. Join me in forming a strong Star*Seeded Sisterhood built on a foundation of deep connection to the Earth, easy flowing passion and creativity, roaring internal fires, open hearted love, our collective truths spoken and acted upon with courage, connection to the collective wisdom consciousness, and reverence for our divine relationship to that which is greater than us.

I am primed and ready to act, arm in arm, heart to heart, spirit to spirit. Now, I just need YOU*

Won't you join me?

As You Are

A couple of years ago I decided to go to our local Walmart on Black Friday and stand on the corner of the intersection holding my "As You Are, You Are Perfect" sign. It was my way of celebrating my Brother Nate's life on his would-be birthday. I thought, maybe, just maybe, someone will see the message and be inspired, uplifted, given hope. Maybe if my Brother would have seen such a sign during his last days it could have awoken him to his true nature and he would have decided he no longer needed drugs and alcohol to numb himself, but rather feel the satisfaction and perfection of simply being alive.

I understand that this is a Pollyanna way to think. I've had plenty of times during my life where I have dealt with challenge, pain, suffering (usually self-imposed, yet suffering nonetheless). I get it, I do. Yet, I just loop back to, isn't it amazing that any of this is happening at all? Isn't there so much to be grateful for in the simplicity of being a human being on this planet in this particular moment in time? I mean, whoa. Seriously. Besides, once I can put the suffering to rest and I'm in a place of gratitude, isn't that the most logical place in which to deal with any challenge that may come my way?

So, to conclude this long ramble I place in front of you the possibility that, Just As You Are, You Really Are Perfect. Perfection in the imperfection, perfection in the divine timing of it all, perfection that you are breathing, moving, communicating, and doing that thing you do.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, let that sink in, and may it bring you Peace, or not.

Totally up to you.

Either way....perfection!

Here I am at the intersection of Facebook and the Interweb with my hand drawn sign with a message for YOU...

